Business for YOU

tara donovan
even though damien hirst's shark is by far the coolest thing at the met right now, i also really loved tara donovan's installation.
she makes huge installations with meticulously cut and organized objects like styrofoam cups and scotch tape.
she says of her work: “it is not like I’m trying to simulate nature. it’s more of a mimicking of the way of nature, the way things actually grow.”
her work at the met was done with silver mylar tape and looked like millions of silver bubbles, covering the walls.tara donovan at the methaze, 2003
stacked clear drinking strawshaze, 2003
stacked clear drinking strawsuntitled, 2003
styrofoam cups, hot glueuntitled, 2003
styrofoam cups, hot gluenebulous, 2002
scotch tapenebulous, 2002
scotch tape
  1. > Charlotte for ever.
  2. > Andrée et Michel Hirlet à New York.
  3. > Charles Gaudry.
  4. > MiLK
  5. > Des nouvelles.