Business for YOU

spooky sultana
it's a rainy day here, and it's starting to cool off finally and i can feel fall coming.
with fall comes halloween, my favorite holiday of the year.
with halloween comes all the creepy things, so i was feeling a little damien hirst, a little mad scientist when i came across san francisco dealer's site sultana
if ever i need a medical chart or scientific specimen, or just a couple of taxidemy wild boar heads, i know where to go.vintage modular polished steel filing systemvintage giant cockroach from exterminator's vehiclemid-century german medical lamp

i wish i could give this as a present to my dad.four lab specimen displayslarge hammerhead taxidermy mount
that comes with....this photograph of the hippie who caught it.pair of pre-art deco bronze railroad sconces
i love these. they look like insect eyes.late 1920's polished steel file cabinet/bookshelf1950's folding campaign desk
  1. > De retour.
  2. > Charlotte for ever.
  3. > Andrée et Michel Hirlet à New York.
  4. > Charles Gaudry.
  5. > MiLK