work-club created a story and cast of creatures to show nokia's sponsorship of the royal parks half marathon — but it gets better:
"We combined the world of marathon running mascots with the woodland world of the Royal Parks. We created a cast of woodland animal athletes that would compete on race day, and documented their progress to the build up of the big race. We produced a ‘Nokia Woodland Creatures Spotters’ Guide’ so spectators at the race could keep an eye out for our team of squirrels, badgers, foxes and rabbits, and motivational running posters featuring our furry athletes that were displayed around the course, on moving digital displays and in the Nokia ‘Log Cabin’ rest area. The best piece of branding however turned out to be when our Woodland Rabbit mascot, Kenyan distance athlete John Murithi, won the whole race. Dressed as a rabbit. He won the half marathon. That’s 13 miles in just over 60 minutes. Dressed as a rabbit."