Business for YOU

I listened to this, this AM
and it made me think of
my favorite word...flâneur
from the french
verb flâner "to stroll"

"the person who walks the city
in order to experience it"
-charles baudelairethe dinning room takes to the streets

so manhattan has gotten
real fussy in the past few years.
"forces of glitz" and property values
have pushed all the cool people
off the island. doncha think?

So it's great to see
that the few surviving bohos
in downtown manhattan are
still holding fort and continuing
to add a little community
to the public sphere.


1. Suzanne Seggerman
holds dinner parties
on her bond st.

2. Reno, a comedian,
has turned her Tribeca
loading dock into a
front porch

3. "Being a flâneur, Mr. Tsao said,
“is all about taking in the world
we’ve been given; we want to
embrace it and engage with it.”
ps: Calvin Tsao throws a party
on the Brooklyn Bridge

(photo credit: Christopher Smith)
  1. > L'Art de la sieste.
  2. > We fade to grey.
  3. > Sel & Cendres.
  4. > Défense de passer à côté.
  5. > Bye 2016.