Business for YOU

like a turn of the century
mexican portraita toast to my mother!my sister's wedding
was a serious grassroots effort!with a little help
from our friends


nancy neil

wedding dress:
lisa & sophie vena cava
music: mattson 2 & ray barbee
dj: garrett colton & alex foulton
and matthew blitzer on guitar

styling: gina cerre
flowers: jody kennedy
roses from rose story farm
lavender from rivendell

succulent heart: helie & joe
graphics: chris weber

food: richard & ginger maxwell
local produce from "BD" Dautch
mendecino rare earth organic wine
and the strawberry short cake!
baked by robin riley

Thacher School, Ojai
  1. > Chapophiles.
  2. > L'amour avec un grand A.
  3. > Biot, acte II.
  4. > Et maintenant une page de Pub.
  5. > L'ÉTÉ 54.