Business for YOU

Wild things and teasers.
floral Wool challis
Today I'm going to be working on that new garment I mentioned(You may remember the sneak peek post). Well, I decided to change the fabric, and I'm also making a few changes to the pattern. Once I get the pattern right, I'll start grading it for other sizes. I'm pretty excited about this new design, and I'm even more excited about sharing it!
On another note,
I've been listening to Wake up by Arcade Fire since I woke up. I think it's my new favorite song. I first heard it in the Where The Wild Things Are trailer. Speaking of which I'm so excited about this movie! I loved the book so much when I was little, and I still do now! The trailer looks wonderful! Can't wait!
  1. > We fade to grey.
  2. > Sel & Cendres.
  3. > Défense de passer à côté.
  4. > Bye 2016.
  5. > 24/12/16