Business for YOU

Back to school....
Okay, not really. Converse shoes always make me think of school for some reason. It seems like every college kid has a pair(s). In my early teens I had a purple pair and a fuschia pair. I lived in those shoes for three years straight(really). They finally fell apart, but my love for converses remains the same. I just bought another pair. Yes, I know I'm on a self imposed shopping ban because of the camera. I got 10% off my order, how could I resist(don't judge me). I bought the newer style Converse light. They are a more streamlined fit than the classics. I thought they might "slim" out my duck feet, they do(at least I think so). I really, really like them. They remind me of my favorite pair of thrifted boots(see here)....That just died on me...I think I like these better. Of course now I'm looking at getting the black too...Oh how I love you converses.... How about you? Do you have any fond Converse related memories....?
  1. > Antonio Lampecco.
  2. > Alicia Penalba.
  3. > Boutique éphémère.
  4. > Janus.
  5. > Posez vos valises à... Nancy.