Business for YOU

Shop update part 1- Caramelized bow belt
Whew!It has been a crazy week. In between work and school I haven't been able to get much sewing done for the update(Monday, February 15th, 8:30PT). I'll be buckling down this weekend. Since this will be a pretty big update I might just spread it out into two parts......We'll see. It depends how many dresses/belts I can finish over the weekend.

The Caramelized bow belt is the special accessory I was talking about. It's a variation of the ribbon bow belt I made here. Only it's made out of buttery soft lambskin. The shade is a gorgeous burnt caramel. It looks just perfect with the navy balletomane dresses. But it really goes nicely with any dress. I'm wearing it with my juniper dress right now. I love how a simple belt can dress up and pull together the most casual of outfits.
  1. > Chez Georges Pelletier.
  2. > Le Jouve.
  3. > " Ils vivent de l'autre côté du mont Ventoux "
  4. >
  5. > Le SM en vacances: CARTE POSTALE n•13