A big thank you to everyone who bought something on the June 1st shop update! there will be no more scallop dresses or petal pockets dresses till next year. However, I've got a few more variations on dresses from the spring collection coming this summer, Look for them in the next couple weeks.
On a side note, I caught a horrible cold/flu bug over the weekend which knocked me on my butt for a couple days(I slept 24 hrs straight). I'm still pretty feeble(I got wore out after brushing my hair and had to go lay down...haha...so pathetic)but I was up and about today, cutting out more dresses and sewing to get caught up on days I missed. This freakillness has set me back a little(2 days)on my orders. Sorry everybody, I'm reallydoing my bestest to get your orders finished and sent out!