Business for YOU

Things that are totally floating my boat

My new tape measure! I bought this with the change in my pocket at a rummage sale!

2. My new Ipod base. I listen to music all day long whilst I work, it helps keep me sane(or at least in limbo). YES, I am listening to the Moulin Rouge soundtrack(actually it's all I've been listening to for the last month). Don't you judge me!

3. Homemade Mac and cheese with mushrooms and broccoli. I ate my weight in mac and cheese this week! Yum!4. New fabric! This is a yummy organic cotton/silk blend! I can't stop touching it. More details coming soon.....

Now that I've just about finished all your orders I'm going to try to focus more on blogging. I also want to get back to taking more pictures. I can't remember the last time I took out my camera just for the heck of it! Looking over this post I realize everything is either new, yellow or both! What can I say? yellow is my happy color and new stuff is fun! I need a little more fun in my life. Lately, I've been working alot more at my pt job, I won't drag you guys through all the details, but it's been turning into quite the soap opera....And not the good kind either.
  1. > Maître Jagoda.
  2. > Martin Hammond.
  3. > L'OCE.
  4. > Nuances de grès.
  5. > Alain Gaudebert / Ismail Yildirim