My new tape measure! I bought this with the change in my pocket at a rummage sale!
2. My new Ipod base. I listen to music all day long whilst I work, it helps keep me sane(or at least in limbo). YES, I am listening to the Moulin Rouge soundtrack(actually it's all I've been listening to for the last month). Don't you judge me!
Now that I've just about finished all your orders I'm going to try to focus more on blogging. I also want to get back to taking more pictures. I can't remember the last time I took out my camera just for the heck of it! Looking over this post I realize everything is either new, yellow or both! What can I say? yellow is my happy color and new stuff is fun! I need a little more fun in my life. Lately, I've been working alot more at my pt job, I won't drag you guys through all the details, but it's been turning into quite the soap opera....And not the good kind either.