Business for YOU

correspondenciajuan ignacio moralejo
uses the internet better
than anyone.

I have followed
Juan's projects from
sede to postal
to molde to

and now

all brilliant.
quiet in a way.


and of the moment
like a traveler never
sure where next.

but with a strong belief
in continuing the journey
for what may lie ahead.

what I like most
about Juan, as a
designer and

is that he's not afraid
to terminate an idea.

physically delete a website
or cease a printed publication
so a new idea can grow
in it's place.

(always as thoughtful
and considered
as the last)

In this day in age
we must stay true
to our medium

the web is no
place for content
to linger, grow stale,
and collect dust.

and the same
can be said for print.

with creation
comes responsibility.
  1. > Terres du passé.
  2. > JS:LC.
  4. > Chapo-Deblander.
  5. > Un blander, Deblander, trois blander, quatre...