Business for YOU

Make Up For Ever Beauty Class For Beauty Bloggers

Make Up For Ever invited me to attend the beauty class. I finally tried the HD Foundation and practice what David Arbid said some time ago. Before attend to the beauty class, me and the beauty bloggers (Stella, Hanna, Putri, Franky) making appointment at Bakerzin Plaza Indonesia for break fasting. We were chatting and laughing listening to stories about Stella having a copycat, LOL! Somehow I feel very close with them even though we only met a few times, maybe we have the same hobbies and interests about Make Up :D You can read here for more detail :)

Front : Priscilla, Stella, me
Susi, Hanna, Putri, Franky

At 7 PM we rushed to Make Up For Ever Academy to attend a Beauty Class :D

Inside the Academy :





the famous HD line

Pose before beauty class starts ^^

say "cheese"

Ok, let's start :

explain about HD line

Step by step :

1. Remove all make up using Make Up For Ever Cleanser

2. We were given face chart to learn about skin tone

aha! my skin tone is Beige and I match with HD foundation no.155

3. Applied HD Elixir to hydrate our skin. This product makes my skin smoother!

4. Applied HD Primer, I'm using Neutral because match with my beige skintone

5. Applied HD Foundation :D

no. 155


I applied foundation using sponge because the results are more natural and smoother. See?? HD foundation gave my skin looks natural, do not like using foundation at all. No.155 is very match with my skintone :) This HD foundation it looks very nice on the picture (you don't need photoshop anymore) but sadly I'm not fit to use this foundation for one hour after using, my skin looks so oily and have a medium coverage (my redness are still visible). This foundation is probably best when you’re having photoshoot and recording movies :)

6. Applied HD Blush



I love HD blush no.6!! Is pink peach color, very natural on my cheeck :)

7. Applied HD Powder

To set the foundation using HD powder. I'm using kabuki brush from MUFE, OMG I love their brush!! very soft brush :)

8. To complete the look, applied lipstick

Stella advising me that I was more suited wearing coral lipstick and her suggestions were right!!! thank you stell :*

The result :

Time to take action on camera :D

with gorgeous Marcelle :)

The cute Stella ;)

all beauty bloggers ^^

Thank you so much Make Up For Ever Indonesia had invited me to Beauty Class and can meet with beauty bloggers ^____^

  1. > L'Avent.
  2. > Terres du passé.
  3. > JS:LC.
  5. > Chapo-Deblander.