a women's mag

i can't seem to relate to
the society/fashionista
girls we always see
in vogue, elle...
they may write.
but what they say never
really sits right with me.
it's like another
and of course
i now sound snooty
for saying this.
but you know
what i mean.
i'm saying
what's in my gut
bed stuy
is far from
which brings
me to:
the gentler woman.
the charlotte gainsbourgs
the kazuyo sejimas
the pheobe philos
(who else would
you add to this list?)
women with
a quiet yet strong
but with an
element of
these are the
women that keep
us on our toes
an interview with
editor Penny Martin:
It’s a modern aesthetic,
and it’s about maturity,
not in the sense of being old,
but in terms of graphic contours,
silhouettes and fabrics.
I love the sort of fashion photography
that allows you to be sartorially precise.