Business for YOU

unzipped, 1995

if the design world
isn't inundated with success stories,
it's about cool apartments, "it girls"
and street style fashions.

how lame we
are to constantly talk
about our possessions.
our aesthetic.

so what.
who cares.

it's simply

we need more stories
that share those great moments
of inspiration, vulnerability
rejection and doubt.

i find that part of
the creative process
the most genius.


far more
illustrative than
the material things we
surround ourselves with

i saw unzipped
when i was 10 and
it exposed me to
the reality of
a dreamer

and it made
me want design
and new york
even more.

love is
not without

isaac mizarhiis is proof
that great artists are not always
riding high in april

but with a dream
and a grand imagination
you'll always find a way to
get back in the race.

dream big