Business for YOU

Playing with Mima (My Mannequin)

Today I'm wanted to show my creation of hair style. FYI, I attended Hair Style classes at "My Salon" Blok M Square Jakarta. First of all let me introduce my partner during the course: my mannequin, Mima.


I just learned hair style for the party, traditional hair style, and modern hair style. I didn't learn hair cut (I'm not talented in that field) >___<

Anyway this is my creations... .

# 1 Sanggul Dewi (Traditional)

# 2 Sanggul Jawa (Traditional)

# 3 Modern

# 4 Modern

# 5 Modern

# 6 Modern

# 7 Modern

# 8 Modern

I think the most difficult is to make the traditional hair style (sanggul). I should practice more even thought the course was complete.

Last photos : Me and Mima on break time a.k.a narcissistic :p

Happy Friday everyone!!!

  1. > + 1 Digan.
  2. > Un grand Picault.
  3. > Bistouri et magie.
  4. > Posez vos valises à... Saint-Bernard.
  5. > Guillocher.