Business for YOU

Favorite TV Show

I hate drama on local TV because the actors/actresses are sucks at acting and the story is so lame. I prefer TV show on TV cable than local TV. Here's my favorite TV show on TV cable :


Yes I'm a Gleek!! I love musical drama from childhood. Beside the actors and actresses have a good acting, they have a beautiful voice and the music arrangements are very good. The story line is interesting. It's very entertaining. To proof that I'm a gleek : I ordered a glee shirt at online shop :p

yes, I'm a Gleek :p

2. How I Met Your Mother

It's going to be legen... wait for it... dary!! yeah that slogan makes sitcom How I Met Your Mother became famous. This sitcom about friendship like sitcom FRIENDS but How I Met Your Mother is funnier and hilarious.

you're so funny, Barney!

I like Barney Stinson character which is a playboy, metro sexual male, narcissistic, and always makes absurd rules such as Bro Code, Lemon Law, Woo Girls, Cheerleader Effect, No Fathers Day, The Naked Man, and many more. Love this sitcom so much!

3. Ugly Betty

First impression when I watched Ugly Betty is eww nerd drama for nerd people :p but I was wrong because the story line is very good, many messages can be taken from this drama. Betty is not ugly, even though she has a strange taste in dressing, she's has a good personality, open minded, hardworking, and ambitious. This is called Inner Beauty.

4. 90210

I can't believe I watched teen drama!!hahaha. First of all I was curious about Baverly Hills 90210 remake series but suddenly I became curious and always watch the new 90210 until now that is season 3!

5. The Amazing Race Asia 4

I looooovveeee Amazing Race!! This reality show is very exciting and makes me surprised when I watching it. I love Amazing Race Asia 4 because team from Indonesia, Natasha and Hussein are great and powerful team!! And they got top 3!

let's support to Natasha and Mr.Hussein :)

This Thursday is finale season and I hope Indonesian team become a winner *finger cross* go go go Natasha and Mr.Hussein!! Make Indonesia proud in Amazing Race Asia 4 :)

6. Keeping Up with Kardashians

This reality show is hilarious and funny!! It's very entertaining. I love Kim Kardashians in this show because she's hot and pretty. I like make-up in this show too. From the mother (Chriss Jenner) to her children (Kim,Khourtney,Khloe) using smokey eye make-up that makes them looked pretty.

So I decided Kim Kardashians inspired look for yesterday FOTD, here's how I looked :

face :
- L'oreal white perfect moisturizer
- La Tulipe Cover Foundation in Suntan
- Pac cream foundation no.2
- Pac cream foundation no.10
- Marcks Venus loose powder in natural beige

eyes :
- Inez concealer stick in light as eyeshadow base
- NYX smookey eyes palette
- My darling liquid eye liner in black
- La Tulipe eye liner pencil in black
- Maybelline Volum Express mascara

lips :
- eos lipbalm in summer fruit
- Sari Ayu lipstick in Intan 1
- NYX Mega Shine Lip gloss in Sugar Pie

So what's your favorite TV show??

  1. > New York, New York.
  2. > Jacques Laroussinie, architecture et vide.
  3. > Dormition.
  4. > Barbara Delfosse, céramiste à la Borne.
  5. > Eté 2019.