when we were kings (1996)
funny story.
when i was young
in catholic school
my teacher
called my parents up
because apparently I was
not taking religion
very seriously.
my teacher had asked
the class who was the most
influential person
in the world
I was typically
the quiet one class
but this time I raised
my hand.
i knew the answer,
and I was very confident
and eager to say it
out loud.
muhammad ali
i said.
loud and proud
she was actually
looking for:
the pope
but i said, no.
it's muhammad ali
and michael jackson
in mind, muhammad ali
was someone that everyone
could look up to.
of race or religion.
kids really say the
darnest things
however there's always
an element of truth
to it all.
only 3 mo prior
my family had been
living in indonesia and
all the school kids had
pictures of Ali...and
michael jackson in
their notebooks.
and it stuck with me.
it still does today.
it's really quite a shame
that there is not one athlete
today that young people
can truly look up to.
everyone is just
too damn afraid to risk their
careers, million dollar contracts
and fame to do what
they believe in
"Hell no,
I ain't going to go.
Clean out my cell
And take my tail
To jail
Without bail
"Keep asking me, no matter how long
On the war in Viet Nam, I sing this song
I ain't got no quarrel with them Viet Cong."
- muhammad ali