Applying everything in the morning takes...I don't know...15min. Considering how many products I use, I don't think that's too bad, haha! While I love trying new products, everything shown here is a tried and true favorite.
Hydrogen peroxide - I use this as a toner (w/ cotton pad) after cleansing. My mom swears by it for keeping skin clear-I do too.

Clarins Day screen protection spf 40 — This is my favorite sunscreen, and I've tried a TON! It's super light/ doesn't make me break out/ never makes me greasy. I also feel like it makes my skin look more even sans concealer/powder? Clarins has some awesome products but this has to be my favorite. I will use day screen until I die.
Un-petroleum jelly - This stuff is awesome. I use it everyday on lips, eyelids, cheeks, elbows, eyelashes..all over! Sometimes I even use it as a highlighter (cupids bow, cheekbones etc...), good stuff.
NIGHT ROUTINE: Same cleansing/toning routine as morning, then I slather on more Ole Henrikson truth serum + Weleda Calendula baby cream. The Weleda cream is pretty intense, which makes it great for winter skin (ahem..lizard). I will probably switch to a lighter night moisturizer during the summer though...
unless my brows are neat and tidy. Eyelash curling is another thing I can't go without.
Since my lashes are pretty long and dark, I just swipe on some un-petroleum
jelly (pictured near the top), curl 'em and I'm good to go. My favorite lash curler is the chunky
plastic one from Tweezerman (the pinky pink tweezers pictured are also Tweezerman).
2. Tea tree oil- so good for pimples — By good I mean it kills the little suckers, not that it's good for them. Good for me more like.
3. DDF Glycolic wash - Makes my skin look bright, shiny and new. I use it once or twice a week alternating with Exfoliate (below).
4. Kate Somerville Exfolikate - My older sister and me both love this. Made with a combo of acids (lactic, glycolic, salicylic) and microbeads. Exfolikate is the best for dissolving impurities, lightening dark marks etc.... I use this once a week in addition to my Clarisonic, because I feel like the two work together to improve skin faster.
That's all (a lot of stuff! I know!). Now, I want to hear about your favorite beauty products. What can you not live without....?
I am not being paid to endorse any of these products (I wish). These are all items I have purchased or was gifted (my sis works at Sephora, nuff said). I am posting about them simply for FUN.