I'm a bad bad blogger!! I'm sorry for late and rarely update blog because I'm busy for working (as always). Remember that in my blog post before, I attended Ponds pajamas party? Well a day after the event, I attended Talika launching event at Metro department store Plaza Senayan, not far from Grand Hyatt Hotel.

Talika first launched in Jakarta Indonesia precisely in the Metro department store Plaza Senayan. The event was presented Ms.Sina Deubner who introduce about Talika and explained about Talika products.

Ms. Sina Deubner
Talika Light 660 Complete Acne Solution

Looks like a UFO and comfortable to grip. This tool is used to treat acne. This tool has two lights, each having diffrent function. Blue light to helps control sebum and blackheads. The red light can reduce scarring and inflammmation. I'd love to have it~

me trying Talika Light 660 Complete Acne Solution
Talika most popular product is Lipocils Expert. These product help to grow and thicken lashes in 28 day!! Wow O_0

A very unique product is Talika Eyebrow Extended. It's made of a transparant gel and fibers that can make your eyebrows look more filled.

The funny thing, at the time of issuing content of Eyebrow Extended at the hand, the all beauty bloggers screaming "eeeewwww" disgusted to see it LOL :D

Yuri try for her right eyebrow
Talika Eye Decompres

This tablet is an eye mask to relax and calm the eyes. This tablet just need to put in a blue liquid that is available and within seconds be an eye mask :)

another unique and popular products from Talika is :
Talika Eye Therapy Patch

This product works to remove eye bags. Ssstt... the Talika team say that Brad Pitt it's really love this product!!!
Talika Bust Serum

This serum can increase your breast size! Of a size 34 to 36!! WOW!! wanna try?? ;D

me at Talika new counter :)

The beauty blogger with Ms. Sina Deubner
The Talika's event is very fun and the Talika team are very kind for all of us. They kindly explained one by one Talika products. They also gave us a goodie bag plus a towel and popcorn ^^

taken from Priscilla
At the time, Talika and Metro department store are being held Twitter photo contest, which we pose in the photo booth. I pose with the Talika goodie bag and I was holding Talika Light 660 Complete Acne Solution. There will be 5 winners in this contest and will get a voucher valued at Rp 500.000 from Metro department store. At the moment I was sure to win!!
When I got home, I upload via twitpic and mention to @METROdept and @TalikaID but I'm clumsy forgot to rotate the photo!! So the result is like this :

I'm really clumsy!!! LOL!! But I still belief that I was sure to win. Who knows I'll be the winner because I forgot to rotate the photo and that can be unique from the others :p
A few days later, I get a mentiom from @METROdept which says that I'm the one of the winners Talika and Metro photo booth contest!!! Wooowwww I can't believe it I won!!!! and I get a voucher Rp 500.000!!!

Thank you so much Talika and Metro department store!!! :*