Business for YOU

Woooohooo! I printed up my fall collection labels today. Actually a day earlier then I planned(I thought I would have them done Wednesday night). I'm really, truly pleased with how they turned out. The print is crisp and clear, the cross-stitched name is clear and readable(I think). all the sizing labels fit.....I feel good!And it almost made up for a huge Ebay tragedy that happened this week.I purchased a dressform through Ebay and well, lets just say it was not as in it was FULL of mold + the outer fabric covering was torn...I was(and still am)so very disappointed.....Just talking(writing)about it makes me want to cry....Okay so maybe the labels didn't make up for it.
  1. > Lumière sur.
  2. > Liberté de travail.
  3. > Où étiez-vous en peignant cette toile?
  4. > Posez vos valises...à Serris.
  5. > Verticalité.