Business for YOU

"some trivial rhymes made up mostly in the car"

Wiener wiener 'gainst the wall Throbbing peter playing Paul All the sutras all the Zen Suited up to go and then
Uncle Knuckle said to Thumb Neil and I will knock the drum Nice bazookas Katie Jenn All the sutras all the Zen
Russian poet break the law Reading Headgear Ollan Paw Katerina and Ivan Kissing coming going gone
Robin's egg and autumn sky What immortal hand or eye Autumn sky and hatching same What the hammer what the chain
Gott in Himmel Lieder singt Imprecise and indistinct Indecisively distressed Flashy orange microdress
And now I lay me down to weep Flip the bird my soul to keep Pass the psalter Walter muck What's the matter what the fuck
Final verse before I die Primal eldest curse is why Else the Puck a liar call Isopropyl alcohol.

-poem by my brother's friend, anthony madrid.
  1. > Avec vue sur la mer.
  2. > Return to New York.
  3. > Sainte Valentine.
  4. > 5 jours à Lisbonne.
  5. > Lumière sur.